Proprioception | Alioception

Proprioception :
the sense of self-movement and body position.

Even with our eyes closed, we know where our limbs are situated, what load they are carrying, or what angles or joints are bent at.

This self-awareness is obviously extremely important in jiu-jitsu.

It is equally as important to constantly be aware of the opponent’s body, and as there are apparently no words for that yet, I hereby propose : Alioception.

Proprioception (n.)
1906, from proprioceptor, from Latin proprius “own” (see proper) + reception. Coined by English neurophysiologist C.S. Sherrington (1857-1952). Related: Proprioceptive; proprioceptor.
“the sense of self-movement and body position.”

Alioception (n.)
2020, from Latin alius “other” + reception. Coined by Jelaludo. Related: Alioceptive.
“The sense of another’s movements and body position upon touch.”


Proprioception :

